September 16, 2017
September 16, 2017

We desire a place, a place to belong. An environment, a mentality, where we are uncomfortable in, yet compatible with. A place of hard, aggressive progression and positive discontent. A place where bonds are tied and mettle forged. Always the hard way, and sometimes going easy is the hardest path to follow. We will find it, or we will build it.

This is our story of how we originated. It’s one that has been heard before as history routinely repeats itself and this is nothing new. Our story is one of chosen loyalty, integrity, and necessity. We will never deny the past and are thankful for its influence, in fact, if you cannot take pride in where you came from, or where you are at currently… FUCKING CHANGE.


We have been unwanted and discarded, but to those who were willing to call us theirs, we will forever be thankful and indebted to. Many of us grew up and matured as outsiders. We haven’t fit into generalizations and rebelled against the status quo. We listen to music that is not on the radio, have observed things that may be hard for others to see, we choose to think, and act purposely. We are driven by, and loyal to, those around us, those who we’ve shared experiences with and those we trust. We use physical fitness and effort as a medium to develop and solidify the habit of hard work, discipline, and improvement. We use fitness, but we are not limited to it, nor defined by it.

Even though we may be the minority, that does not mean we’re small.

We found our group, our tribe, our gang. We found a place that felt like home, where we could be tested, challenged and vetted. Where we could forge more than just fitness, more so a character and identity; where we could relate to a group of people whose interest and demeanor was similar to ours. We pursue the things and relationships earned not bought. Drawn to places, we can be ourselves yet a part of something bigger. We want to search. We want to find out for ourselves, the minute somebody attempts to sell us something is the minute we decide we are no longer interested. For the things of real value don’t need to be advertised, they don’t need gimmicks, tricks or games. If you are good at what you do, the result will speak for itself.


Our well was poisoned. Our pure environment of anti-bullshit and anti-drama was tainted and filled to the ceiling with both. The infection of greed, ego, and opportunism ran rampant. We, however, remained quarantined, we were a cell that attempted to stay true to the original methods and philosophy of our host. The virus spread to the extent of which, we could no longer remain isolated. We fought, we lost… We needed another way.

We made one. We reassembled, and moved on. We restarted here, where those before us left off. We own the lessons learned, and they can never be taken from us. We are building a different structure upon the foundation of those experiences, the experiences that were taught and honed upon our bones. Our primary focus is not financial gain. We do this because of our passion for it, because it has, and continues to affect our lives in very positive ways.

You can’t control what happens to you – only how you respond. We choose to be part of the solution, the antidote to the poison.

We will share our experiences, choosing to be a resource opposed to the authority. We will be fighting to stay clean, uninfected by ego, and greed and un-addicted to control. Expecting and assisting you to do the same. We don’t know the way, in fact, we know that there’s not a single path, we may even need to cut our way through. The intent is to drive our progress as well as yours. We are Searching Endlessly, Consistently Training to be better. Sometimes… most times, that means we must also

Burn shit down to build it up.

Destroy to create.

Raze to Rise.


1 Comment

  1. Zach Stoneking says:

    Wow! That post was epic. Gave me chills!
    I need this! We need this!
    I’m a Fire Captain in North Kansas City MO. Looking to bring a new level of fitness to the men and women who slay the red devil with me. Where do I sign up?
    Thank you

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